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Dr. Yogesh Vyas

Mobile: +91 8696743637, 918058169959

Types Of Services Provided By Dr. Yogesh Vyas in Jaipur, Rajsthan

1. Astrology for business
2. Love marriage problem solution astrology
3. Astrology Services for marriage
4. Financial Services Astrology
5. Problems in marriage astrology
6. Husband-wife problem solution by astrology
7. Career prediction astrology
8. Astrology for job
9. Astrology for health
10. Astrology for education
11. Financial problem Astrology Solution
12. Vastu Services
13. Jyotish Services
14. Vastu Yantras
15. Jyotish Yantras

Vastu Divine

Vaastu Divine : Auspicious East
Vedas consider East direction as divine and most auspicious for health, wealth and harmony, obviously as Sun rules over it and brings intelligence and positive consciousness. Occupants of a house, office or factory with openings in the east has the potential to be blessed with growing business, high social position and power, healthy lineage and good male progeny.

Affliction free East in a property induces warmth, vitality, growth, success, dignity, optimism, fame, power and most importantly healthy mind and spirituality. On the physical plane, a positive east will give healthy spine, eye, speech, mind, circulation system and finally solar prana. Absence of these attributes may be balanced by introducing in the environment relevant pictures, gems or meditation with the help of relevant mantras.
Firstly a good picture of rising sun with calmly flowing water with some auspicious symbols such as flying birds, a women carrying a water filled pitcher, an image of place of worship and so on. Installation of divine gem Ruby can be helpful. A mirror of the size 3 ft. x 5 ft. when placed vertically will be excellent on the eastern wall. Placement of a Sun Yantra duly energized on the eastern wall is highly auspicious.
Introducing auspicious plants such as tulsi in the balcony; and a meditative life-style can add greatly to the healthy and auspicious growth of the family members. When there are more than one serious vaastu dosha, it is appropriate to place an energized "Vastu Dosh Nivarak" yantra on the eastern wall. "Aum Bhur Bhuva Sava Vaastu Devaye Namah" is the meditation mantra for all-compassing remedy for clearing the affliction and introducing positive environment.
Yantra is a combination of symbols, sacred geometrical shapes, deity mantras eulogising their attributes, numbers in specific combination creating auspicious energy. These have the potential to massage the charka and aura of the family members continuously, even when the family members are residing away even abroad.

Vastu Divine - Southeast : Protect Wealth & Capital
South-east is the direction of energy and drive. If kitchen is located here it will offer great opportunity of expanding your wealth and business capital. On the other hand any disturbance in the elemental placement within the kitchen will cause wealth depletion and harm to capital in the form of plant and machinery coupled with disharmony (including labour problems at a factory) and physical health of the factory or in the inmates in a home.

Please do not be distressed if imbalance is present as requisite remedy can either weaken or entirely counter-balance the negative effect. Affliction in the home will reflect adversely on the female members of the family. It also represents love, beauty, luxury and enjoyment also. On the physical level, it represent reproduction capacity, skin and kidneys.

Imbalance of south-east in relationship with north-east and north-west will cause imbalance in the above referred areas. Prescribed plants and trees in the south-east are efficient to counter the imbalances such as a pomegranate tree plant. Presence of affliction can reflect upon the harmonious interactivity of the inmates or workers. An affliction free direction promotes quality control, good capacity utilization and active family members, adding to the wealth and capital.
Among the passive remedies, it is better to install energized vastu yantra with the appropriate secondary yantra representing the presiding deity or planetary lord or the direction in question. Spiritually, it will be appropriate to recite the mantra related to Venus i.e. "Aum Shum Shukraye Namah" for south-east.

South : Power, Control & Discipline
South direction is most obstructive for healthy growth of a person or an organization as Mars rules over it with two extremes swings of life - on the one hand active emotions and vital projection of the self; on the other chaotic and destructive disposition. More openings in the South may promote disharmonic and destructive tendencies; violence and diseases; sexual escapades or perversion. A house, office or factory with openings in the south brings in extremities for achievement by all means.

South without afflictions and right balance with the north in a home or work place induces discipline, jurisprudence, competitiveness and higher skills coupled with perseverance and hard work. A well connected and balanced north-south will promote organizational and executive abilities coupled with power, control and discipline. South promotes health in the region of head, ear, muscles, blood, genitals or uterus and pelvic region. Any disturbance in the control and discipline of southern martian energy and its attributes may be balanced by introducing in the environment relevant pictures, gems or meditation with the help of relevant mantras.

Introduce a picture of mountain or tall building structure will help. Avoid water both physical and symbolic or a mirror. Appropriate will be installation divine gem "Coral". Placement of a Mars Yantra duly energized on the southern wall is highly useful for balancing the southern energy. Place plants of champa with red or orange flowers in south balcony.
When there are more than one serious vaastu dosha, it is appropriate to place an energized "Vastu Dosh Nivarak" yantra on the eastern wall. "Aum Bhur Bhuva Sava Vaastu Devaye Namah" is the mantra for all-compassing remedy for clearing the affliction and introducing positive environment. A photo of Lord Hanuman or Ram Darbar or Mars Yantra in south will be excellent too.

West - Quick Wealth
Though vedas aver West direction as restrictive, as Saturn rules over it, which causes delays, separation, disease and poverty, yet a balanced and energised West can bring easy money on the double. A house, office or factory with openings wider than the East or lower levels in the west causes loss of health and wealth.
West without afflictions with adequate balance with the East in a property ensures good fortunes, legacies and windfalls, with attendant name and fame. It gives wealth from speculation, betting and so on. West also ensures healthy bones, teeth, hairs, knees and ears, on the physical plane.
Firstly, introducing something representing your aspiration can be helpful. If you desire greater heights in career and life and quick and good start in career for grown up children, placement of a pair of dolphin jumping out of the water is good. Installation of a divine gem Blue Sapphire can be helpful. Placement of a Saturn Yantra duly energized on the western and a Kuber Yantra on the northern wall is highly auspicious.
Introducing auspicious plants such as champa with blue/yellow colour flowers west balcony; and a meditative life-style can add greatly to all around auspices, coupled with healthy academic and career growth of one and all. If there are limitations of correcting the afflictions in the west, balancing energization can be taken up in the east.
When there are more than one serious vaastu dosha, it is better to place an energized "Vastu Dosh Nivarak" yantra on the eastern wall. "Aum Bhur Bhuva Sava Vaastu Devaye Namah" is the meditation mantra for all-compassing remedy for clearing the affliction and introducing positive environment. Displaying a Saturn Yantra or a picture of Lord Hanuman will be of great effect.
Yantra a combination of symbols, sacred geometrical shapes, has the potential to massage the charka and aura of the family members.

Divine Vaastu: North-west - Great Influence & Income North-west is the direction of survival instinct, expanding income and influence (top public relations-PR). It is also the direction of protecting your turf and meeting the competition head-on by providing better quality and service. On the other hand, any disturbance in this area or its balance with the north or west direction of south-east, growth may be stunted, promotions withheld, or business lost to competitors. Presence of T-Junction on the north of north-west is inauspicious, whereas that falling on the west of north-west is auspicious. North-west entry is not very heartening.

North-west without affliction will promote mental well-being as its lord is the Moon governing emotions. A well energized area here will bring about optimism, adaptability, family life, tour & travel, life of glamour and social activities. A healthy area promotes good changes in life with emotional stability as well. North-west promotes healthy breast, left eye, stomach and lymphatic system. A weak north-west causes unhealthy female inmates and emotional disorders. Please do not be distressed if imbalance is present as requisite remedy can either weaken or entirely counter-balance the negative effect.

Imbalance of north-west in relation with north-east and south-east will cause imbalance in the above referred areas. Prescribed plants and trees in the north-west are sun flower, marigold and flowers of yellow and golden colour. An affliction free direction promotes timely recovery of payments due from buyers and satisfied customers with repeat orders. The income of the family or business or manufacturing improves steadily with a healthy north-west.

Among the passive remedies, it is better to install energized vastu yantra with the appropriate secondary yantra representing the presiding deity or planetary lord or the direction in question. Spiritually, it will be appropriate to recite the mantra related to Moon i.e. "Aum Soum Soumaye Namah" for north-west, or even "Aum Namo Shivaye". "Aum Bhur Bhuva Sava Vaastu Devaye Namah" is the mantra for all-compassing remedy for clearing of affliction and introducing positive environment.
